Below is a list of our most popular services. Please contact us with questions or to discuss how we can further serve you.
Easy ordering via email, phone, fax or online
Email: orders@cfpco.com
US Toll-free: 800-521-2083
Phone: +1-847-540-0054
Fax: +1-847-540- 0513
Online: www.cfpco.com
Experienced, friendly customer serviceOur customer service team members each average over 20 years of experience with CFP to answer your questions quickly and enter your orders accurately. Product experts are always available to get you the information you need when you need it.
Blanket Order ProgramDo you purchase the same item(s) multiple times throughout the year? Our blanket order program allows our OEM customers to lock-in quantity discounts and ensure that product is available to ship according to schedule.
CFP SpotlightPay special attention to our CFP Spotlight items listed on this website. CFP Spotlight items provide exceptional performance and value with quick deliveries.
Stocking ProgramDo you purchase the same items multiple times throughout the year? Our stocking program ensures that product is available to ship according to your schedule.
Technical AssistanceOur dedicated and well trained team of Sales & Engineering Consultants is always available to discuss your applications and provide an expert solution for your project.
Efficiency ImprovementsWhether it’s a compressor, vacuum pump, drying system, lubricant, or filter, let us do a cost analysis to see if a different technology can save you money.
Cross Reference AssistanceWhether you need improved performance, lower cost, or better availability use our vast experience to select a similar product from another manufacturer.
Product Selection AssistanceNot sure what you need? Our Sales & Engineering Consultants are always available to discuss your application and make expert recommendations.
Custom Designed SystemsThe CFP Engineered Systems Group offers a wide range of simplex and duplex compressor and vacuum systems to meet a variety of performance needs. CAD drawings
are available upon request.
Custom AssemblyAllow us to save you time and money by having us build your high quality sub-assembly.
Product ModificationsNo matter the quantity, we can often modify a standard product to meet your specific requirements.
Repair / Rebuild ServiceIs your compressor, vacuum pump, or blower in need of service or overhaul? After providing a detailed repair estimate our experienced technicians will provide a topnotch repair at a fair price.
KittingSave time and make your life easier by having us provide a customized kit of parts to get you what you need. One part number is all it takes!
Automatic Shipment ConfirmationsAs soon as your order ships you can automatically receive an email with tracking information to follow your order to its final destination.
Tax Advantaged FinancingGet the benefits of financing with the tax advantages of a lease to acquire the equipment you need. We finance end user sales from $1000 to $500,000+ with competitive rates and a variety of term lengths to match your company’s fiscal needs. Minimal paperwork. One day approval process.
95% of in-stock items ship same dayOrders for in stock items will typically ship the same day.
Free Oil AnalysisEstablishing a regular oil analysis program is an increasingly important method to ensure that expensive equipment is being properly protected. Our high quality testing measures oil contamination, oil degradation, abrasives, and corrosives to determine both lubricant condition and overall equipment health. Free oil analysis is an added value to all of our Accolade Lubricant customers to aid in the predictive maintenance of their equipment. Some limitations may apply.